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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wednesday, July 17 Lunchtime Boot Camp

Another beautiful sunny Wednesday in the river valley and 10 people braved the 'Little Bit of Everything' workout!

I have to share this... It it too funny not to!
An email sent to me from a participant titled "40 Minutes After Bootcamp"

God grant me the serenity 
to accept the sweat I cannot stop;
the courage to change the shirt again;
and wisdom to show up next week.

Little Bit of Everything

Each exercise is repeated for 30 seconds (brief break in between exercises - 10 seconds max)

Stair intervals are 1 minute (as many as you can - challenge yourself)

Jumping Jacks
Army Crawl


Plank Jacks


Forward Lunges


2 minute break and repeat one more time

Core Series
- double leg drop x10 reps  (on back with straight legs, keep low back arch flat on ground as legs lower and return)
- reverse crunches x10 reps (bend knees, keep low back arch flat, lower feet to ground and return)
- crunches x10 reps (feet on ground, hands on head, crunch lower ribs to hip bones, lower)
- bicycles x10 reps  (lift feet off ground, rotate to bring opposite elbow to knee, fluid motion)
- scissors x10 reps (on back, one leg straight hovering above ground, other leg straight in air, switch legs)
- v-sits x10 reps  
(sit with knees bent and hands beside hips, lean back, lift feet off ground bring knees and chest together, then apart)
- russian twists x10 rep (seated, feet on ground, lean back, hands together and twist side to side with breath)
- plank x30 second hold  (low plank for 30 seconds, from toes or knees, core tight)


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