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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

SMART Goals for Your 2011 Resolutions

SMART Goals for Your New Years Resolution

Near the end of December, most people think about what the upcoming year will bring and what they want to achieve. Setting New Years resolutions should be more than thinking about what you should do, and more about what you will do in 2011. Health and fitness related resolutions are among the top for most goal-setters. I want to make sure that your 2011 resolutions will come true!

The SMART goal setting system is one that can be applied to many situations. Here, we will use it to build our 2011 New Years Resolution(s).

Specific – we must make sure that our goals are as specific as possible, as this makes them easier to visualize. An example of a specific goal is, “I want to lose 5 pounds of fat mass”, as opposed to, “I want to lose weight”. We can visualize 5 pounds of fat, and we can imagine our body after the loss of that mass.

Measurable – to be able to measure our goals is to know that we have achieved what we expected of ourselves. This is similar to specific, as we need to explain our goal and describe how it will be measured. An example of a measurable goal is, “I will be able to complete 20 consecutive push-ups from my toes”.

Attainable – we want to make sure that our goal is within our reach. To make an attainable goal, we need to assess our life, how much time and money we can devote to exercise and healthy eating, and how these factors will affect our end result. An example of an attainable goal is, “I will make a commitment to complete a high-intensity workout of minimum 15 minutes, after my kids are in bed, at least 4 days a week”. If we find a way to make fitness a part of our everyday life, and learn where to fit it in, we will be more successful.

Realistic – much like the attainable portion of our goal, we need to make sure that we are being realistic with ourselves. If weight loss is your goal, we need to assess what might be a safe and realistic goal, in the desired amount of time. Often, a professional should be consulted during this decision-process. An example of a realistic goal is, “I will lose __ pound(s) per week, until my goal weight of __ is lost”. This keeps us on track during the entire process. We need to learn that health and fitness is a journey; we are not only concerned with the final destination, but everything that was done to get there.

Time Oriented – this is a huge part of goal setting that is often overlooked. If we do not assign a time frame to our goals, we always think, “we will get around it”. If your boss never gave you deadlines for assignments, would you be as productive in finishing them? Same applies to your fitness. As soon as we have an end date in mind, we are able to break down our time to realize what needs to be done this month, this week, and today. A time oriented goal is, “I will run a 5km race in June”.

A potential goal that follows the SMART system is,
“I will complete 20 consecutive push-ups from my toes by April 1, 2011”.

Other tips for 2011 fitness goal setting:
- Complete a fitness test. Many books, magazine, articles, and online sources provide fitness tests. This will give you a baseline for yourself and will help you set realistic and attainable goals.
- Keep a journal. Write down what you did each day, or week, to work towards your specific goals.
- Tell people. Verbalization of goals makes us accountable to complete them and less likely to make excuses. Talk with your spouse, co-worker, or workout partner about your goals, how you will measure your progress, and what you will do to achieve them.
- No more excuses!! Find exercise that works for you and with your schedule. Every little bit will make you more active and have a healthier 2011!

Work hard and your efforts will pay off! 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Cookie Core Workout

Christmas is a time that we are surrounded by delicious treats, but this year YOU are going to prevent a Santa belly from forming. My previous posts have given you multiple ways to help make healthier choices and this workout will help to burn the calories from those samples you had off Mom or Grandma's Christmas platter :)

The core consists of the rectus abdominis (6-pack), obliques (twisting and side-bending muscles on sides of mid-section), transverse abdominis (deep core stabilizers), and low back muscles. This workout is going to target all four core muscle groups while increasing heart rate to burn calories!

This workout is quick and intense, so you can add it to the end of a cardio workout, or do it on its own when you are short on time. Let's GO!

5 Station Fit-Tummy Circuit
Perform the maximum amount of reps in 50 seconds, then 10 second break before moving on to next exercise. Have a pen and paper handy to record how many reps you did for each exercise. Perform one set of all exercises before repeating circuit. Push yourself to beat your last score, with each set! Complete circuit 3 times - if performed correctly (50 seconds work, 10 seconds break for 15 sets), this workout should take you 15 minutes and leave you sweaty!

Prisoner Squats
- feet stance hip width apart with hands on head
- keep core engaged as you bend your hips, then knees to bring your thighs parallel with the ground
Mountain Climbers
- high plank/push-up position from toes
- keep core engaged and bum low while you bend one knee at a time to touch toes on ground under chest
- return to start, then other leg. This should be as fast as you are able with good form!
Army Crawl- start in low plank position (forearms under shoulders and hands together) from toes
- push up one hand at a time to high plank position, then lower back to start
- alternate "push-off" hand with each repetition

- start in standing position - crouch down and place hands in front of you on ground
- jump legs back to a plank position
- hop them back to hands
- jump to standing and repeat
Plank Jacks
- from a high plank/push-up position with feet touching, start "jacking" legs apart and back together
- should resemble a standing jumping jack (with stationary arms holding you stable)
- keep core engaged and bum flat with body (neutral spine)
- on your back with knees bent and hands touching head, elbows out to the side
- crunch one elbow to opposite bent knee as you straighten the other leg
- switch to other side - legs straighten and bend as if you were pedaling a bicycle

All exercises should be performed as quickly as possible while maintaining good form. Draw belly button into spine to keep core engaged at all times. Enjoy!!

Merry Christmas!

Hot Body Tabata Workout

This 16 minute heart-pumping workout will have you sweating and feeling those Christmas cookies melt away from your body!

Tabata workouts are based on 20 seconds of hard work, with 10 seconds of rest for 8 sets of one exercise - 4 minutes per exercise. We are going to do 4 exercises consecutively, so it will only take 16 minutes and keep your heart rate elevated the whole time! You will get the cardio benefits of a 3-4 km jog while strengthening and toning your entire body. Let's GO!!

If you have an interval timer (most sports watches do) set it for 2 intervals: 20 seconds and 10 seconds and 32 rounds. 

1) One-Legged Mountain Climbers
targets arms, shoulders, upper back, entire core, quads, hamstrings, and glutes
- set up in a high plank/push-up position from toes
- bend one knee up and briefly touch toe on ground under chest, then kick it right back to start
- perform as quickly as possible while maintaining good form
- continue ALL reps on one leg for four sets (2 minutes per leg)
- switch legs
Repeat this mantra throughout: "Tight core and strong shoulders"

2) Push-Ups
targets chest, arms, shoulders, upper back, and core
- perform as many as you can in the 20 seconds
- come back onto your knees and rest your arms and wrists during your 10 second break
- repeat for the 8 rounds
Repeat this mantra throughout: "Yes, I CAN"

3) Forward and Backward Pendulum Lunges
targets quads, hamstrings, calves, and core
- start with feet together
- step back into a backwards lunge - both knees should be bent to 90〫
- on the same leg - step all the way through to a forward lunge (try to not touch toes in center)
- complete 4 sets (2 minutes) on one leg before switching to other leg
- switch and repeat other leg for 4 sets (2 minutes)
Repeat this mantra throughout: "My bum is going to be beautiful!"

4) Isometric Oblique Hold
targets obliques
- start on ground, on one side - rest head on lower arm and make sure body is in straight line
- lift top hand to hip, with elbow in the air
- keeping your head on the ground/arm, lift top leg then bottom leg to meet it
- hold legs straight from body, with core engaged, feeling your top oblique contract and strengthen
- complete 4 sets (2 minutes) on side
- roll onto other side and complete remaining 2 minutes (4 sets)
Repeat this mantra throughout: "Keep belly button pulled in toward spine - tight core"

Remember - only the 10 second rests allowed, no extra time when switching exercises. Have water bottle ready for a quick sip. 

Enjoy this calorie burning, heart pounding workout anywhere your holidays may take you!
Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

5 Healthy Tips for the Holidays!!

During one of my last boot camps of 2010 I asked each of my participants to come up with a plan to keep up with their hard work over the holidays. We do not want to ruin your hard-earned results during Christmas, however, this does not mean that you cannot still enjoy some holiday favorites! Here are some tips and tricks to stay fit and not feel any food-guilt over the holidays:

5) Bring a side dish of your own! Offer to your host that you bring a side dish to accompany their meal. Not only are you helping them out with less to cook, but you are offering your family and friends a delicious and nutritious recipe!

4) Use a smaller plate. Sometimes, we do not have choice of what will be served, and we do not have a way to bring our own healthy recipe. By choosing to use a smaller plate, you will eat less and still enjoy all of the delicious food provided for you!

3) Sample, do not indulge. Around the holidays, we are surrounded by cookies, cakes, and all types of delicious treats. So, instead of indulging and regretting those excess calories later on, sample what you would like your taste buds to try! Eating you treat-sample slowly will allow you to fully enjoy its flavors!  

2) Wait 10-15 minutes before going up for seconds. Enjoy conversation with family and friends while you allow your first serving digest. If, after this time, there are still a few items you would like to try, or have some more, then go ahead. This way your tummy will feel more full and prevent you from becoming stuffed with extra calories!

1) Bring your workout with you! There is never an excuse for not working out over the holidays. With a variety of workouts and exercises to do with little or no equipment, an intense 20-minute workout should never be forgotten! OR even better, grab your family and friends for some outdoor activities: skating, walking, and making snowmen are all great ways to have fun and burn some calories! 
* Keep an eye out for my next post - a quick, intense, no equipment workout that will have you sweating!

I hope these tips help you keep up with your fitness goals and being a healthy role model for all those around you! Please post your tips and tricks below!!

Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

High-Intensity Calorie Burning Workout

It has been almost a whole week since my last post, and I apologize! With that in mind, I decided to give you an awesomely intense plyometric workout. Plyometrics use dynamic movements - when we perform these exercises, our heart rate increases (burning calories) and we gain muscular strength and endurance! Pretty fantastic! This is a great way to fit in an efficient workout between all the Christmas season bliss!! These four moves are tough, quick, and will have you sweating in no time. 

Perform a complete set of the first exercise, take a 15 second break, continue to do the same for all four exercises. Once you have completed one set of each exercise, take a 1-2 minute break, then repeat two more times (3 set total). 

Jack Squats (12-16 reps)
Start standing straight with arms at sides. Engage your core and get ready to jump! Bring your arms above your head as you jump, land with legs just greater than hip width apart, into a squat position (knees bent to almost 90°). Proceed to jump right back to a straight position with hands at sides. That is one rep. 

Plyometric Push-Ups (12-16 reps)
Start in high push-up position (from toes, hands directly under shoulders, elbows straight). Lower yourself into a push-up, keeping the core engaged. As you lift back up, push your hands off the floor, clap them together, and land hands back down on the floor. The goal is to have the hands land as softly as possible. That is one rep. 

Jump Lunges (12-16 reps)
Start standing, with feet together. Engage core. From this position, engage your core, power up and through both legs as you jump. Land with right leg in front, in a lunge, or split squat position - with both knees bent to 90°, left knee almost touching the floor. Please make sure that your front knee never crosses its toes!  Power up again through both legs as you jump. When you land, your left leg should now be in front, with both knees bent. That is one rep. 

Plank Jacks (12-16 reps)
Working your arms, core, glutes, and legs, this is a fantastic exercise to finish off with! Start in high plank position with feet touching and core engaged. Jump toes out, wider than hip-width (like a standing jumping jack), and then back to starting position. That is one rep. 


Enjoy your week!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hot and Healthy Holiday Drinks!

With the cold weather here and the Christmas season quickly approaching, delicious hot drinks are always tempting. These warm-your-heart treats can be full of fat and calories, so here are some healthier options if you just cannot resist :)

Healthy Egg Nog
1/2 cup egg substitute (we like – they are pasturized and safe to eat raw!)
2 cups Soy Milk
1/2 cup fat free soy creamer
2 tblsp sugar substitute (we use Stevia)
1 tsp Vanilla
Spices: Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Pumpkin Spice to taste
Alcoholic version: 2 tsp rum extract; or 2 tbs rum, brandy, or bourbon (or to taste)
Preparation:  Pour all ingredients into a container and mix until thickened.   Store in refridgerator for at least 1 hour.
Adapted from
No-Sugar-Added Minty Hot Cocoa 
2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1-2 packets of Splenda sweetener (to desired sweetness)
Dash of salt
1 cup 1% milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
Preparation: Mix cocoa, Splenda, and salt in large mug. Heat milk in microwave for 1-1/2 minutes, until hot. Gradually add hot milk to cocoa mixture in mug, stirring until well blended. Stir in vanilla and peppermint. Yields 1 serving.
Adapted from
Other ideas are apple cider with cinnamon and hot mulled wine!

Enjoy :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Total Body Workout - No Equipment Required!

It is COLD outside!! Here is a fantastic full-body workout that will keep you warm. The best part is that you can do this in the comfort of your own home - no equipment necessary!!

20 jumping jacks
50 body-weight squats

Circuit #1 - Full Body Strength (20 seconds per exercise)
1) Split squat jumps 
  • Position yourself in a low lunge, right foot forward. Power up through both legs, and switch their position mid-air. Land with left leg forward. Repeat.
2) Close-grip push-ups
  • Position hands at least shoulder width apart, slightly narrower is better. Perform full push-ups from toes. Repeat. 
3) Prisoner sumo squats
  • Position legs double hip width, or more, with feet slightly out-turned. Place both hands on top of your head. bend knees to squat until knees are at 90 °. Rise and repeat.
4) Mountain climber
  • Position body in a high plank or push-up position, with hands under shoulders and legs extended, toes on ground. Keeping pelvis as neutral as possible (bum down!), bend one knee at a time to bring toes to ground beneath chest, quickly touch. Continue to "jog" legs back and forth. 
5) Off-set push-up
  • Position body in high plank or push-up position, stretching one hand out further, and keeping one slightly closer to body (offset). Perform first set with right hand forward and second set with left hand forward. Lower body, as normal push-up. Repeat.
1 minute break, repeat

Circuit #2 - Crazy 8's
1) 60 Squat jacks
  • Combine jumping jack and squat! Start with hands straight above head and feet together. Jump into a squat while dropping hands to sides. Give yourself a high-five as you return to straight position. Repeat until all reps complete. 
2) 20 Spiderman push-ups
  • Start in high plank or push-up position. As you bend your elbows to lower body towards ground, bend one knee up toward elbow (only 3 points touching ground). Return leg as you straighten elbows. Repeat until 10 reps on each leg complete. 
3) 20 Squat with cross-crunch
  • Start standing, with legs hip width apart, hands in front of chest. Perform squat. On the return to standing, bring right knee up to left elbow for the cross-body-crunch. Perform squat and cross-crunch with leg and right knee. Repeat until 10 reps complete on each leg. 
4) 15 Full sit-ups
  • Start on ground, knees bent to 90° and feet on floor. Curl spine up to a straight back and return to ground slowly and with control. Repeat. 
5) 45 second Low-squat hold
  • Start standing with feet hip width apart. Bend knees to approximately 90°. Hold. 
6) 45 second Plank hold
  • Position body as straight as possible on ground from fore-arms and toes. Tighten core. Hold.
7) 10 Burpies
  • Start standing. Bend knees and hips to plant hands on ground. Jump legs back into a high-plank or push-up position. Hop legs back to squat. Jump to standing position. Repeat. 
8) 60 High knees
  • Start standing. As quickly as possible, lift one knee up to chest at a time. Trick - stay on the tips of your toes. Repeat. 
1 minute break, repeat

Circuit #3 - Core
10 reps of each. Keep core engaged at all times. 

1) Supine Leg Drop
  • Start with back on floor, legs straight up into air. Keep neutral spine, lower legs as much as possible without lifting low back off floor. Slowly return legs to starting position. Repeat. 
2) Bent Knee Reverse Crunch
  • Same motion as leg drop, but knees are now bent to 90°. Only hinge at hips (knees locked) to bring heels of feet toward ground *just* to touch, then return to starting position. Repeat. 
3) Upper Abs Crunch
  • Feet on ground, with knees bent. Hands start on either side of head (not behind head to avoid pulling neck). Lift upper body to peel shoulder blades off floor. Return slowly. Repeat.
4) Dead Bug (10/side)
  • All four limbs start in the air. Hold right arm and left leg while releasing left arm and right leg slowly toward ground - stretching away from each other. Return to starting position. Lower right arm and left leg. Repeat. 
5) Slow Bicycles (10/side)
  • On back - touch hands to each side of your head (not pulling behind neck), and bend knees. Twist to look over your right side while you touch left elbow to right knee at the same time as you extend left leg. Switch sides fluently. Repeat. 
6) V-Sit Crunch
  • Sitting up, place hands on either side of hips. Lift legs up, bent to 90° and find balance on tail bone. Straighten legs and slightly lower upper body backwards. Crunch body back to start. Repeat. 
7) Side Plank (10 seconds/side)
  • Facing right side, balance on right forearm (elbow under shoulder) and stacked feet. Push hips into the air. Hold 10 seconds. Without break, switch to left side. Hold. 
8) Front Plank (10 seconds)
  • Without break from left side plank, balance on both forearms and toes. Hold. 

Enjoy and stay warm!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fight that Bug

As much as I really do not want to admit it, Winter is here and so are the nasty colds and other "bugs" that come along with it... Being *almost* a nurse, I am a strong believer in natural remedies when possible! I want to share my cold/flu solution with you, so that you are able to fight your bug faster, and maybe even prevent it in the first place!! My husband started having a sore throat, I got him to follow this (strictly!) and within three days it was gone and never showed any other cold symptoms! I did the same "routine" while he was fighting his bug and I did not get as much as a runny nose :) IT WORKS!!

Ok, here goes - when you start to feel something coming on:
- Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Echinacae twice a day! (the amount of pills per dose will depend on the dosage you buy, so check the bottle)
- Oil of Oregano 5 drops 3-5 times per day (with a full glass of water). You can find this at most organic food and natural food stores (Planet Organic). Please follow the instructions on the bottle for this one, as each brand makes different concentrations. I like Joy of the Mountains
- Lots and lots of fluids! Water is very important to make sure your system is working. Herbal teas are also great, green tea in particular! This does not replace your water intake, but is supplemental :)

If you are trying to prevent (family member is sick, you are run down, stressed or tired, etc)
- Take Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Echinacae at least once per day, maybe twice. Again, follow your bottle
- SLEEP!!!

I hope this helps those that are already fighting something, and helps those who don't to prevent anything! Remember also that sweating helps clear the body of toxins!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Low-Fat-Low-Carb Turkey Wrap with Grilled Veggie Salad

We have all been there - we have picked up something quick to eat for lunch in the middle of a busy day. This quick, easy, and not-so-nutritious food will boost our energy for awhile, however, when we sit down to try to work again, we crash. Try making something healthy ahead of time! A lunch that will keep you satisfied and full of energy right through the afternoon!

Low-Fat-Low-Carb Turkey Wrap (1 serving)
1 large leaf green lettuce
1/4 tsp mustard (I like grainy mustard!)
2 slices of low-sodium oven-roasted turkey breast
2 slices of tomato
Ground black pepper, to taste

Lay the lettuce leaf flat, and evenly spread mustard on it. Lay down the turkey and tomato. Season with pepper to taste. Tightly roll up the lettuce and enjoy!

Calories 32  Fat 1g  Protein 6.2g   Sodium 103mg  Fiber 0.4g  Carbohydrate 2.8g

Grilled Veggie Salad (4 servings)
*be creative with the veggies - choose ones that are in season and/or grown locally*
1 tsp rosemary
1/8 tsp ground black pepper
2 1/2 tsp olive oil
1 tbsp rasberry flavored vinegar
1 clove of garlic, minced
2 ears of fresh corn, husked
1 small zucchini, cut in half, length-wise
1 large red bell pepper, cut into quarters
1 medium eggplant, cut in half length-wise
2 (1/2 inch) slices of red onion
1 large tomato, cored and cut in half
Cooking spray (preferably olive oil spray)

1) Combine rosemary, black pepper, olive oil, vinegar, and garlic in a bowl; stir with a whisk until blended. Brush ears of corn and the cut surfaces of remaining vegetables with half of the olive oil mixture, and set aside
2) Coat grill rack with cooking spray; place on grill over medium-hot coals. Place vegetables, cut sides down, on rack. Cook 5 minutes. Brush with remaining olive oil mixture. Turn vegetables over, and cook an additional 5 minutes or until tender. Remove from grill; cut each ear of corn into 6 pieces. Cut each onion into quarters. Cut remaining vegetable pieces in half. 
*if you are not wanting to go outside to your grill during the winter, use an indoor grill, or this can also be baked in the oven*

Calories 128  Fat 3.9g  Protein 3.9g   Sodium 18mg  Fiber 5.2g  Carbohydrate 23.5g


Recipes taken from Jillian Michael's "Making the Cut"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fantastic Full Body Strength Workout

As one boot camp session sadly ends, and I anxiously await the next, I want to share this awesome workout to tone and sculpt the whole body!

First, start with warming up - approximately 5-10 minutes of jogging, stair climbing, skipping, or whatever you can do in your home or gym.

Next, perform these six exercises using 'pyramid sets' of 10-20-30.
1) Jump Squats 
2) Biceps Curls
3) Stationary Lunges
4) Push-Ups
5) Lateral Step-Ups
6) Triceps Extensions 
* I usually pair them up to save time (ex - 10 jump squats, 10 biceps curls, 20 jump squats, 20 biceps curls... Then on to the next set)

Cardio time!! Hard lifting, then tough cardio - 30-60 minutes of jogging, stair climbing, skipping, elliptical training, rowing, boxing, or a combination of any of these. You want to be pushing yourself enough that having a 'broken' conversation is possible - this is where you are able speak a few words at a time. 

Core - my favorite part!! Eight exercises to trim and tone around the waistline - 10 reps each
1) Supine Leg Drop
2) Bent Knee Reverse Crunch
3) Upper Abs Crunch
4) Dead Bug (10/side)
5) Slow Bicycles (10/side)
6) V-Sit Crunch
7) Side Plank (10 seconds/side)
8) Front Plank (10 seconds)

Stretch! and feel proud of yourself :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to Stay Fit During Cold Winter Months

With the cold winter months approaching, the thought of staying active and keeping fit can be daunting. The good news is that just because we live in a country that has beautifully snowy winters, it does not mean that our health journey needs to suffer. Why wait until January first for a New Year’s resolution? Start today with these winter active tips!

1)   Try something new. A new fitness class at the nearest gym to learn new exercises in a warm environment, an outdoor boot camp that will have your heart racing no matter what the temperature, or try one of the many clubs or groups our city has to offer through all seasons.
2)   Find a workout buddy. Making ourselves accountable to someone else is great motivation if that is what you are lacking. When we encourage others to commit to a class or to a new workout schedule everyone benefits and it makes taking a night off a little more challenging! Someone with a similar schedule, or who lives in close proximity is usually an effective option.
3)   Join an activity in which the whole family can participate! By getting your spouse and children involved, not only are you helping your family to stay healthy this winter, but you are setting a great example for your children to stay active through their lives.
4)   Buy new gear! New workout purchases are always a great motivator. If you are trying something new, such as running outside during the winter for the first year, buy a new pair of jogging pants that you love.
5)   Set up a home gym. If leaving the house in minus 20°C is not for you, it may be easier and more affordable than you think to set up your home fitness space. All you need to get started is an exercise mat, resistance tubing, a few dumbbells, and an exercise ball. You can slowly grow your gym, as you like.
6)   Try healthy new recipes. Healthy eating does not have to mean time consuming. By choosing healthy recipes for the week over the weekend, you are able to plan and complete your grocery shopping to have all the necessary supplies for delicious and nutritious meals on hand.
7)   Stay healthy this winter! Missing work, workouts, and other events during “cold and flu season” can put a damper on your life. By taking daily supplements, such as Oil of Oregano and Echinacea, and making sure to eat plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables, you can keep your immune system ready to fight. Washing your hands and using alcohol-based sanitizers frequently will also decrease your chance of getting sick.
8)   Take your workout anywhere. Holidays and vacations are not an excuse for taking a break from your exercise routine! Find a great “go anywhere” workout online, or from a Certified Personal Trainer, that requires minimal or no equipment to keep you fit wherever you are.
9)   Keep up with your water intake. Even though you might not be as thirsty during the winter as in the summer months, staying hydrated is just as important. A great formula to show you how much water you should be taking in is: drink half of your body weight (1 lbs = 1 oz) of water EVERYDAY! Do you?
10)                 Write it down. Make your workout a priority, just as you add meetings and appointments to your day timer, do the same with your exercise. If we commit to an allotted time, we are more likely to complete the routine successfully.

Now it is time to decide what will work for you, as not one trick or routine is successful for everyone. You must find what keeps you active, and what you can do to fit your life!