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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Baby & Me Bootcamp #9

Our final class was awesome! Although we nearly cancelled due to the threat of rain, it turned out to be great weather to sweat! We finished the summer program with a full body workout, including tabatas and hill work. I am so proud of this group for committing to 10 weeks of bootcamp!!

Thank you to each of the ladies, their babies, and tots for a great summer!!

Mix It Up

Warm Up
- 1 walk/jog loop around park

Full Body Tabatas
20 seconds work + 10 seconds rest x 8 rounds per exercise (4 minutes per exercise, then move on to next)
1) low squat pulses
2) incline push ups (using bench/table)
3) walking lunges (pushing stroller)
4) triceps dips

Hill Work
- lunge up hill pushing stroller
- mid way down hill perform 15 stroller biceps curls and 15 stroller rows

Core Tabata
20 seconds work + 10 seconds rest x 8 rounds total (go through each exercise once, then repeat all four = total of 4 minutes)
1) full sit ups
2) bicycles
3) double leg drop
4) v-sit / v-sit crunches


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Core Shredder

Most people feel like they could use a little extra core work every once in awhile.. Below is a great little core routine that makes a nice addition to another workout, or to do on it's own when you are short on time. Pair this with a 20-30 minute cardio for a great kickstart to your day!

Core Shredder

30 mountain climbers
10 burpies

10 double leg drops
10 reverse crunches
10 crunches
10 stability ball passes
10 bicycles
10 russian twists
10 plank jacks (low plank)
1 minute low plank
repeat for 2-3 sets


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Baby and Me Bootcamp #7

Hello and what another beautiful week it is! We have lucked out with the weather for our weekly sessions, and despite some mosquitos today, otherwise the bugs have stayed away.

There is no post for last week (session #6), as it was the same workout as session #2. 

Today we did a full body workout with six circuits and some cardio to start, midway, and at the end. Great work ladies and babes!!

Warm Up
Walk/jog around park x1

Circuit 1⃣
Bicep curls with band
Lunge with front kick
Bicycle crunches

Circuit 2⃣

Row with band
Around the world lunges (reverse, side, forward lunges - switch legs each round)
Front kicks

Circuit 3⃣

Triceps extension with band
Pulsing squats
Leg lift crunches

Walk/jog around park x1

Circuit 4⃣
Chest press with band
Sumo squats
Toe touch crunches
Mountain climbers

Circuit 5⃣

Shoulder press with band
Jump squats

Circuit 6⃣

Push ups
Curtsy lunges
Full sit ups
Jumping jacks

CardioWalk/jog around park x1



Monday, July 28, 2014

Baby & Me Bootcamp #5

Another beautiful week last week for bootcamp outdoors and only three sessions left for the summer. Through the heat and sunshine, we focussed on legs, both strength and endurance. Here it is...

Leg Burner

Walk/jog around park
Hills #1- lunge up hill with stroller
- jog down and up (leave stroller at top)
- jog down and bear crawl up

Squat Series(30 seconds each)
- low squat
- high squat
- full squat
30 second break and repeat

Leg Circuit(60 seconds each)
- single leg squats (30s/side)
- reverse lunge with knee raise (30s/side)
- low squat side step (with band)
- calf raises (with stroller)
60 second break and repeat

Walk/jog around park
Hills #2- run up/down x3 (leave stroller at bottom)
- lunge up with stroller
- mid-hill squats with stroller x15

Core10 double leg drops
10 reverse
10 crunches
10 full sit ups
10 bicycles
10 russian twists
10 v-sits
60 second plank


Monday, July 21, 2014

Baby & Me Bootcamp #4

Last week was another hot bootcamp day! Luckily, Baby B and I were able to arrive early and snag a couple tables under the shade for our workout. The light breeze and shade were great during the workout, and the sunshine felt great as we finished with core in the soccer field. 

I borrowed this workout from one I created last September 17 (2013). It is a great full body routine that combines a few different styles. 

Pump Yo' Jam

one loop around park

(30 seconds each)
1) Jumping Jacks
2) Squat Jumps
3) Speed Skaters
4) Ski Moguls

Tabata 1
(20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)
1) Incline Push-Ups
2) Triceps Dips
3) Incline Push-Ups
4) Triceps Dips
5) Incline Push-Ups
6) Triceps Dips
7) Incline Push-Ups
8) Triceps Dips

(60 second hold)
1) Low Squat Hold
2) Plank Hold

Tabata 2

(20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)
1) Alternating Lunges
Glute Kick-Back - all fours
3) Alternating Lunges
Glute Kick-Back - all fours
5) Alternating Lunges
Glute Kick-Back - all fours
7) Altnerating Lunges
8) Glute Kick-Back - all fours

one loop around park

repeat Tabata 1, Isometrics, and Tabata 2

1 minute plank
10 bicycles
20 reverse crunches
30 mountain climbers
20 hip lifts in side plank (10/side)
10 double leg drops


Monday, July 14, 2014

Arm Burner

As we enter our last month of half marathon training, I have created a more regimented cross training/ strength training schedule to balance out our weekly running. Thursdays, we now focus on upper body and here is our new Arm Burner workout!

Arm Burner


30 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpies
x2 sets
Resistance Training

use dumbbells or resistance bands

15 Arnie Press
Biceps Curls 21's (7 lower half - 7 upper half - 7 full)
15 Overhead Press
15 Push Ups
15 Triceps Press Backs
10 Army Crawl
10 Jab Cross w/ weights
30 second High Plank
x2 sets
