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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Find your inner cheerleader!

It is almost February. How are your 2011 resolutions and goals coming? Do you even remember what they are?

When it comes to fitness and health oriented goals, it can be very easy to slip off our desired path and go back to our "old" ways of being. If we want to make our bodies healthier, we must make changes and create a different lifestyle. 

Of course, on a good day, this can seem quite easy. You are full of energy, your workout feels great, and you are craving veggies & fruit. However, when it has been a challenging day at work, or something shook us up for the worse, it is easy to skip your workout and grab the quickest and easiest (and usually the sweetest or saltiest) food from your cupboard (or take-out). 

What I am getting at is that we need to create a lifestyle, where, no matter what happens, we continue to do things that help our body, as they have become a part of our daily routine. 

"One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it." 
 -Sidney Howard

Daily exercise and eating right are not easy tasks. Often, we must give a few things up to achieve our daily goals. Maybe - less TV time, waking up a little earlier, and giving up your late night  sweet-fix? How will you make these changes?

FIND YOU INNER CHEERLEADER! Daily support and words of encouragement will help you stay on track. Naturally, if we have a partner who's goals are similar to ours, we can encourage each other. However, in that case, two is better than one, and then you can have TWO people cheering you on to keep pushing!!

I while you read this, you think of one change you can make today to make your body just a little healthier. Think of a change that you can follow through with everyday (or almost everyday). Next week, think of another change. Step by step you will create a healthier lifestyle and that in itself is a reason to cheer!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Attitude is Everything

Attitude is the way we, as individuals, view every aspect of our life. Whether we try to or not, we have an opinion about the events in our surroundings. We will each go through periods in our life that are more difficult than others. When we have to use all of our energy to force a smile, or motivate ourselves to get off our bums. Positive attitude is what will make us all come out on top!

Attitudes are contagious.  Are yours worth catching?  
-Dennis and Wendy Mannering

I have had the opportunity this week to see a different side of health care. During my school program the last year and a half, I have mainly been exposed to acute hospital settings. This semester, out focus is in the community. Most of our community clinical experiences involved new mothers and their babies -- SO excited!! However, yesterday I had the opportunity to be in involved in a Senior's health check clinic at one the manors in the city. What an incredible experience! These are elderly people, in their 80's and 90's who live completely independantly, have exercise group together everyday (one of the ladies leads the class!!), go for walks whenever possible (they walk the halls of the manor when it is too cold or icy!!), and one does not even have to wear glasses at her ripe age of 92!!!

Attitude. Each one of the seniors I met yesterday were smiling, often laughing at themselves, and excited to tell the community health nurse about their daily exercise and good eating habits. This was truly an inspiration to me!!

The next time you are having a rough day, or week, whatever, and do not feel the motivation to exercise or have a good sweat, think of yourself in your 90's -- how do you want to live each day? Making good habits now is the best way to secure these habits for life.

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cold Winter Blues

It is cold. It is winter. It is dark and energy is low. These are some of the toughest days to get moving and stay active!

It has been a busy week getting back into the swing of classes. With a new year comes new routine and a new way of challenging yourself!

Please post below what YOU are doing to get yourself sweating up a storm this month ... 

I am excited to read all your brilliant ideas!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My workout today ...

Happy Monday!! It is the first Monday of 2011 and a perfect day to get your body moving and start working toward your resolutions!

My workout today was great - quick, yet intense! Here is the link if you would like to try this one out at home! - Epic Abs

If you are having trouble finding something secure enough for the reverse push-ups in your home - regular or incline push-ups would work as a substitute. 
